Purified Lipids

Cone Bioproducts is a bulk manufacturer of human and bovine lipid concentrates. Purified lipids are used as components in quality controls, calibration materials, interference studies and as a cell culture growth supplement.  Our product specifications and rigorous quality assurance checks ensure lot to lot consistency and a high customer acceptance rate.

  • Starting plasma is collected from US FDA licensed blood collection facilities, with complete donor traceability; donor units are tested and found to be negative for all FDA required pathogens.
  • Processing performed in a cGMP, FDA‑registered facility whose quality management system is certified as conforming to the requirements defined in the ISO 13485:2016 Standard.
  • All Cholesterol Concentrates are 0.22um filtered and confirmed free of microbial contamination.
Product number Description Get quote
5334 Bovine Cholesterol Concentrate, >3000 mg/dL add
5355 Bovine HDL Cholesterol Concentrate, >3000 mg/dL add
4860 Bovine Cholesterol Concentrate, High Purity add
5354 Bovine LDL Cholesterol Concentrate add
5065 Human HDL Cholesterol Concentrate, >3000 mg/dL add
4874 Human Cholesterol Concentrate, HDL >500 mg/dL add
4865 Human Cholesterol Concentrate, LDL >900 mg/dL add
5414 Human Cholesterol Concentrate, vLDL add
5066 Human LDL Cholesterol Concentrate, >3000 mg/dL add
4568 Human Triglyceride Concentrate add
5762 Porcine LDL Cholesterol Concentrate add
4567 Total Human Cholesterol Concentrate add
4026 Triglyceride Concentrate, Egg Yolk add