Our Products

Bovine LDL Cholesterol Concentrate - 5354

Product Specifications Download Full Spec
Part Number 5354
Selection Standard Bovine Serum certified as U.S. Origin, Clear, Non-Lipemic, No Hemolysis
Physical State Liquid
Filtration 0.22 micron-filtered
Electrophoresis Two major bands corresponding to LDL and HDL
Preservatives None
Storage < -70 C
Stability 2 year expiration at ≤ -70 C
Total Cholesterol > 2000 mg/dL
HDL Ratio (HDL/TC): 25 - 60%
LDL Ratio (LDL/TC): As Found
Triglyceride As Found
Total Protein ≤ 10 g/dL
Calcium ≤ 5.0 mg/dL
Iron Ratio ≤ 100 µg Iron / g Total Cholesterol
Phosphorus ≤ 2.0 mg/dL
Sodium ≤ 150 mmol/L
Potassium 0 - 5 mmol/L
Chloride ≤ 150 mmol/L
Ammonia ≤ 0.68 mg/dL
Bioburden < 1 CFUs/mL
Safety statement

Prepared from bovine serum obtained from cattle less than 30 months of age and that have received ante and post mortem health inspections from US Veterinary Service Inspectors within facilities inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture.


Cone Bioproducts’ Bovine LDL Cholesterol Concentrate (BCC-LDL) is made from Bovine Serum certified as U.S. origin and is an excellent and affordable component for use in elevating lipid levels in IVD quality control and calibration materials, as well as a supplement to growth serums. All Cone Bio BCCs are final filtered with 0.22 micrometer pore filters to ensure they are free of contaminants in accordance with US Pharmacopoeia standards.


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